HomeBeauty GuideThe kick for your beauty

The kick for your beauty

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Do you want beautiful skin, healthy hair, strong fingernails and a figure that is impressive? A varied diet and a healthy lifestyle contribute to beauty. Read with us which foods and nutrients can support your beauty.

Plant-based beauty kicks for your skin

put e.g. B. on foods that contain vitamin A or its precursor ß-carotene. As scientists from the University of St. Andrews have discovered, special plant substances, the so-called carotenoids, such as ß-carotene, can contribute to skin pigmentation. This can also be observed in babies after the first carrot mush. Eating carotenoid-rich vegetables can give a slightly tanned complexion. The following foods contain little helpers for the skin:

  • carrots
  • Kale
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • Red pepper
  • Cauliflower
  • apricots
  • papaya

Eat these foods with some fat or oil, so that fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A and ß-carotene, are better absorbed by the body. And you can do even more for beautiful skin!

More nutrient boosters for beautiful skin

Vitamin C, zinc and various B vitamins such as B2, niacin and biotin also contribute to beautiful skin. Good suppliers of these B vitamins are, for example, whole grain products, legumes, pork and milk. In addition, copper ensures a great complexion. With a balanced and varied diet, you are doing something good for yourself and your beauty.

Now you can read how to strengthen brittle nails from the inside out and what you can do for beautiful hair.

Power recipes for beautiful fingernails and hair

Strong fingernails and beautiful hair – good care is of course important for this, but so are nutrients such as zinc and selenium. Zinc sticks z. B. in beef, pork and poultry as well as in milk and cheese. Selenium is found in cabbage vegetables such as broccoli or white cabbage, asparagus and mushrooms. Your hair will also be happy about copper and the B vitamin biotin, which is contained in nuts, oatmeal, spinach or mushrooms, among other things. Grain products, fish and some green vegetables provide you with copper. A varied diet is also the be-all and end-all here. The following recipes will support you:

  • Noble asparagus salad
  • Veggie coconut curry
  • Mushroom strips with macaroni

Would you also like to do something for your figure? Here are our tips!

Eat a balanced diet for a great figure

A varied diet in the sense of the food pyramid can make a significant contribution to achieving and maintaining your feel-good weight. Eat according to the motto “5 a day”, i.e. 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of vegetables daily, because vegetables and fruit contain comparatively few calories contribute to regular digestion.

But not only a variety of food flatters the figure, drinking also pushes the beauty!

Liquid elixirs for beauty

Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters daily. The best thirst quenchers are mineral water, unsweetened herbal teas or fruit juice spritzers mixed in a ratio of ¼ juice and ¾ water. Regular drinking is particularly important when losing weight, as the body needs liquid to be able to eliminate waste products. Regular drinking not only benefits the figure, but the entire body – and thus also the beauty of skin, hair and fingernails!

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