In the office, you are constantly left with tasks, there is trouble in the family, there are still so many things to do on your list and you feel completely overwhelmed? Well-intentioned advice from family and friends such as “Just relax” is of little or no help in stressful situations. But what can you do to reduce inner stress? The good news is that you can do something to combat stress. And you should, too, so as not to endanger your health. With targeted relaxation exercises and one or the other change in everyday life, you can go through life more relaxed. Below are helpful tips to help you relax.
Positive and negative stress
First, however, it should be clarified what stress is and how it can express itself. First of all, a positive word about stress – because it usually only appears in a negative context. Stress is a bodily function that we were not born with for nothing. Our ancestors used stress to be alert in threatening situations. And even today, positive stress promotes our attention and concentration. It can increase performance and motivation as well as our self-confidence.
Everyone reacts differently to supposedly stressful situations. While some perceive household chores as a stress factor and their pulse only increases when they think about doing laundry and cleaning, others find housework to be relaxing. Equally, certain situations may be seen as challenging by some people while others find them overwhelming. However, stress is usually perceived as unpleasant. Internal and external stimuli cause a strain on the organism that has negative effects on body and psyche.
Stress and its symptoms
The symptoms of internal and psychological stress can be varied. Signs of stress include a number of different ailments, such as:
- exhaustion
- sleep disorders
- weakened immune system
- headaches and migraines
- dejection
- abdominal pain and stomach cramps
- heart trouble
- tension
But mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety or eating disorders can also be a result of too much stress and constant strain if these conditions become a habit.
Stomach pain: When stress hits the stomach
For many sufferers, abdominal pain can be caused by stress. These include stomach pain, but also symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea or nausea. The gastrointestinal tract is very receptive to psychological influences and reacts to stressful situations in a variety of ways.
Tachycardia from stress
Stress can also manifest itself in heart health. While the pulse often increases in stressful situations, prolonged tension can lead to increased blood pressure. In the long run, stress can put a strain on blood vessels and the heart.
Reduce stress with relaxation exercises
You can use relaxation techniques to combat negative stress and the associated feeling of being overwhelmed. There are many methods with which you can actively create relaxation. We present a few here. It is best to try out for yourself which one is right for you.
Autogenic training
Autogenic training is a classic relaxation technique. It is based on self-suggestion with the aim of actively influencing bodily functions. The exercises are performed while sitting or lying down. Relaxation formulas guide you to focus on specific areas of the body. For example, you can use the power of your thoughts to influence the intensity of your heartbeat or make your arm feel warm and heavy. With practice, you can relax and consciously control yourself to stay calm in stressful situations.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
When it comes to relaxation techniques, progressive muscle relaxation is often mentioned. In doing so, you engage both the mind and the body. As part of a wide variety of exercises, you focus on specific body zones that you actively contract and relax. The physical relaxation should be transferred to the mind and lead to staying relaxed in stressful situations.
Yoga exercises
For anyone who wants to relax and build physical strength at the same time, yoga poses to reduce stress are an excellent solution. With holistic practices that include breathing and stretching, yoga can help bring mind and body into harmony and, consequently, more relaxation into everyday life.
Tai Chi and Qigong
Similar to yoga, tai chi and qigong combine physical exercise with relaxation exercises that are ideal for reducing stress. With both methods, different movement sequences are practiced which, in combination with correct breathing, should lead to relaxation. Tai Chi is a martial art and Qigong can be described as a health system. They differ, among other things, in how long you stay in different positions. Qigong is usually practiced while standing, while Tai Chi usually involves a sequence of movements in space.
More relaxation tips to reduce stress
In order to get stress in everyday life under control in the long term, it is worth taking a closer look at how you organize your day in private and at work. Try to identify the factors that are causing you stress and think about what you can do about it.
- Create a daily or weekly schedule that will help you keep track of your commitments. Realistically plan time for each task to avoid rushing and stress.
- Do not only plan your tasks and appointments, but also take time for relaxation and balance. If you want to reduce stress, you have to ensure that your body and mind can relax on a regular basis.
- Movement is good: stress reduction through sport ensures that you can clear your head and feel more vital and healthy . This strengthens your self-confidence and makes you more resistant to stress. With a clear head, stressful challenges can be tackled and overcome better.
Stress is a response to feeling overwhelmed. One thing above all helps against this: only take on as much as you can actually do. Try to say no more often and talk to your boss, friends and family if too much is expected of you. This is the only way to protect yourself from overload and maintain your mental and physical health.